What is I4BA

The Institute for Business Acquisitions is an organization dedicated to teaching others how to do what our founder, Tom Ellis, has done for over 30 years……Increase your net worth, and enjoy personal and financial independence by purchasing profitable companies. At the Institute, we have dissected Tom’s process into a series of steps that he and his associates follow every single time to maximize their chance of successful, profitable acquisitions.

The Institute exists to teach people like you those exact steps in a simple yet effective manner so that you can apply them and and begin to earn the life that you deserve. You will hear this repeatedly throughout our site and publications, but we firmly believe that The Surest, Safest, Fastest, way to accumulate wealth is to buy a well-established, well-managed, and profitable business. We prove that to be true every day at the Institute.

If you haven’t already done so, please check out our simple formula to become a millionaire in 6 years or less…..it’s a great place to get excited and get started.